Zackary Albrecht's Aztec Experience

Zackary Albrecht's personal experiences have paved the way for a successful academic career.

Monday, January 11, 2016
Zackary Albrecht, a junior public relations major.
Zackary Albrecht, a junior public relations major.

Name: Zackary Albrecht
Major: Public relations
Campus affiliations: Rotaract of SDSU, Associated Students, Aztec Dance Marathon

1. Why did you choose SDSU?

I had my heart set on another university. I got into the college and program I wanted, but I took one step on the campus and knew that it wasn’t for me. After that, I toured San Diego State University and fell in love. I still remember my ambassador and all the people that would say "hi" to her, and felt a sense of community here. And at the end of the day, the community is why I chose SDSU.

2. What inspired you to declare your major?

When I first came to SDSU, I was a biology major. However, that path wasn’t for me. Through the advice of my mentor and a close friend, I found the public relations department. I really enjoy the program, professors and work. I love interacting and helping people and this field allows me to do that.

3. What is the best piece of advice you ever received?

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life. It does not matter what happened yesterday, or what will happen tomorrow. It only matters what you are doing with the time you have been given now.”

4. Which SDSU faculty or staff member has been the most influential throughout your SDSU journey?

The most influential staff member for me has been Queena Hoang, the adviser for the Aztec Student Union Board of Associated Students. She has only been here for a few short months, but strives to make ASUB a family and promotes personal and professional success.

5. What has been your proudest achievement while at SDSU?

My proudest achievement has been finding happiness. I have strived for academic success, been involved on campus, worked with non-profits off campus, found the friends of my lifetime, know what I want to spend every day of my life doing, and have the opportunity to give back when I can; I can’t ask for anything more.

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself enjoying my work and being happy. I want to pursue a career as a communications consultant. 

7. What is the most interesting or surprising thing about you?

Most people do not know that as a child I had a cleft palette and was in speech classes until fourth grade, which is one of the reasons I am passionate about the field I am in.

8. What’s your favorite thing about being an Aztec?

Knowing that I have a community and family that supports me wherever I am, and truly cares about my success and happiness. After all, we are Aztecs for Life!

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