Eric Frost

Eric Frost

Professor, Viz Center Director, Graduate Program in Homeland Security Co-Director
College of Sciences
Geological Sciences



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-594-5960

Website Links

Areas of Expertise

Homeland security, geospatial imagery, humanitarian assistance disaster relief, civilian-military disaster (i.e. Gulf oil spill), sensor networks, public safety, dots on maps. Frost is also Director of SDSU's Immersive Visualization Lab and Co-Director of SDSU's Homeland Security Master's Program.


What's Underneath Leonardo DaVinci's "Adoration of the Magi"

SDSU Visualization Lab helps uncover the hidden drawings beneath Leonardo DaVinci's "Adoration of the Magi"

Now: Take part in big quake test on Twitter- OC Register

Is Local Security Vulnerable to Cyber Attack? - KGTV

Disaster drill in San Diego tests social media response- OhMyGov!