
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts

About the Major

In this academic program, dance is personal, physical, social, and political. We prepare developing artists for dynamic, self-authored, and innovative careers in dance with curriculum that fosters collaboration and mindful leadership. Our approach to dance cultivates dynamic relationships informed by and influential to the world around us. At the heart of this rigorous study is a love of dancing.

Program Highlights

Our Bachelor of Fine Arts in dance provides professional training for dancemaking, performing, scholarship, and teaching. This is a liberal arts degree for students seeking an understanding of and intimate orientation to dance in relation to other areas of study.

Sample Courses

  • Body Modalities
  • Contemporary Modern Dance
  • Dance, Identity, Pop Culture
  • K-pop Dance
  • Digital Technology for Dancers
  • Choreography for Camera

Career Options

Our graduates work as choreographers and dancers with professional companies; teachers in community and recreation programs, schools, and colleges; movement educators; and candidates for graduate work in dance scholarship. The transferable skills gained through our program allow our graduates to enter many other sectors of the workforce.

  • Sound Dance Company
  • Danspace Project
  • New York Live Arts
  • Chicago Cultural Center

Transferable Skills

  • Abstract and formal reasoning skills
  • Technical and analytical writing
  • Extensive performance experience
  • Rhetorical skills
  • Manage time efficiently by setting priorities
  • Public speaking skills
  • Didactic skills
  • Ability to relate and communicate visually

School of Music and Dance

College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts