Winter Session 2023: Make the Most of Your Winter Recess
With online courses offered between the fall and spring semesters, students can accelerate their path to graduation or study an area of interest.

Winter Session 2023, offered by SDSU Global Campus, will include several courses never before offered during the four-week intersession.
Winter Session allows SDSU students to leverage their winter break to accelerate their education and makeup ground toward graduation. All Winter Session classes are online, so students can take classes from any location.
Since anyone can enroll in these online winter recess classes — including students from other colleges and universities, high school graduates, and working professionals — they also are a way to explore an area of interest or return to taking college courses after a break.
This is the fifth year Global Campus has sponsored Winter Session.
“Each year, this program has expanded to offer new courses and new opportunities to students, and we're looking forward to continuing that tradition,” said Jonny Holt, a Global Campus program manager who oversees Winter Session. “Our goal is to offer flexible, relevant material to help you achieve your goals.”
Besides helping students maintain progress toward graduation, winter session courses help students explore interests outside their major, and complete a course in less time than a regular semester.
Key Dates
- Registration Deadline: Dec. 13
- Drop Deadline: Dec. 14 (drop by Dec. 16 for a 65% refund)
- Course Dates: Dec. 15-Jan. 12, 2023
Dates Featured Courses
Among the dozens of online courses this year’s Winter Session are four being offered for the first time during Winter Session, including:
- ART 133 Modern Making
- CFD 135 Principles of Family Development
- PSY 117 Health, Happiness, and Success
- SOC 330 Cultural and Historical Origins of Surfing
Other popular Winter Session courses include:
- ECON 102 | Principles of Microeconomics
- NUTR 201 | Fundamentals of Nutrition
- JMS 300 | Principles of Journalism
- PSY 340 | Social Psychology
- TFM 310 | Television, Film, and New Media Criticism
Winter Session courses are accelerated and rigorous in terms of format and timeline.