Scott Allison Gift Supports Public Relations Program
Allison provided a founding gift for the Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations.

Alumnus Scott Allison, CEO of public relations firm Allison + Partners, has provided a founding gift for the Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations within SDSU’s School of Journalism and Media Studies.
Allison’s $50,000 gift has helped launch a campaign to fund the Broom Center, named for the emeritus professor who served for many years as head of SDSU’s public relations program and chair of its journalism department. Broom has been internationally recognized for his contributions to the field of public relations; at SDSU the hallmark of his legacy is a commitment to students, ethics and social responsibility.
A national model
The Glen M. Broom Center for Professional Development in Public Relations is designed to become a national model for student and faculty research, development and leadership. It will administer community-based internships, training programs for working professionals, research support for faculty and graduate students and student advising.
“Glen Broom is a pioneer in the public relations profession, and he’s had a dramatic impact on so many students’ lives,” said Allison. “It’s important to continue to support his legacy and the SDSU public relations program.”
Day one ready for work
Allison also gave $15,000 to support an internship scholarship in the School of Journalism and Media Studies. This type of scholarship provides a stipend for students enrolled in internships that would not otherwise offer financial compensation.
Internship scholarships afford equal access to professional experience for all students, ensuring that they are workforce-ready upon graduation.
Leader honoring a leader
Allison is a 1986 SDSU graduate who founded Allison + Partners with Andy Hardie-Brown and Scott Pansky. Since its establishment in 2001, the firm has become one of the fastest growing public affairs and public relations agencies in the country, earning the 2010 Agency of the Year from The Holmes Report. Allison is still actively involved in growing the agency and providing strategic guidance to its high-profile clients.