SDSU Global Campus now accepting course proposals for Winter Session 2025
Faculty members interested in submitting a Winter Session course proposal should complete a Winter Session Course Approval Form

SDSU Global Campus is accepting course proposals from SDSU faculty for Winter Session 2025, the popular online courses held over the break between the fall and spring semesters. Course proposals are due Sept. 13 with Winter Session classes running from Dec. 19 to Jan. 16, 2025.
“As dozens of faculty members and nearly 5,000 students have discovered, Winter Session is a fast-paced, dynamic academic term that can really help students achieve their academic goals,” said Winter Session Program Director Jonathan Holt. “With the tools and support available from Global Campus, we are continuing to offer new and interesting courses every year.”
How to Submit a Proposal
Faculty members interested in submitting a Winter Session course proposal should complete a Winter Session Course Approval Form. Ideally, these proposals should be for Lower Division Foundation courses, Upper Division Explorations courses, critical courses for majors, and courses needed to achieve upper-division standing.
All Winter Session courses will be held online, and as such, all proposals must be for courses that have been offered online in a previous term. Please avoid proposals for courses with prerequisites.
All proposals will require signatures from the Department Chair, College budget analyst (to verify overload limits), and the College Dean prior to submission to SDSU Global Campus. Proposals should be emailed to [email protected].
Key Dates for Faculty
Below are some important dates for Winter Session 2025:
- Sept. 13— Proposals due (signed by department chair, budget analyst, and college dean)
- Dec. 19–Jan. 16, 2025 — Winter Session term
- Jan. 17, 2025 — Grades due (11 p.m. deadline)
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Why Winter Session?
Winter Session is designed to expand access to all types of learners. The courses are open to current SDSU students, high school graduates, non-SDSU students, and working professionals. Students can use Winter Session to earn credits towards their graduation, explore a new interest, hone their professional skills, or restart their education. Because the courses are online, students can participate from all over the globe.
As such, Winter Session has become key to supporting SDSU's campus goals for the CSU Graduation Initiative 2025, which aims to increase graduation rates, eliminate equity gaps in degree completion, and meet California’s workforce needs.
Things to Keep in Mind
One of the most important strategic goals for Winter Session is to increase graduation rates. With this in mind, we encourage faculty to consider courses that would be reasonable to deliver within the compressed 28-day time frame and help your students attain their completion objectives. We recommend that courses with prerequisites are not offered during the winter term.
Additionally, instructors proposing courses for Winter Session 2025 need to have offered the course fully online in a previous term. There are no limits to the number of courses a department may offer. Decisions should be made by the department based on student needs.
Winter Session courses will be administered by SDSU Global Campus, in partnership with the academic colleges, Academic Affairs, and Enrollment Services.
If you have any questions, please consult the Winter Session FAQ Document.
You can also reach SDSU Global Campus by emailing [email protected].