International Insurance

Insurance is required

You are required to maintain adequate health insurance coverage at all times while abroad, and all students are provided instructions concerning insurance during the application process. Domestic or alternate insurance plans will not be accepted for participation in CSU and SDSU sponsored or other approved partner programs.


All SDSU students are provided instructions concerning SDSU travel insurance during the application process.

The SDSU Travel Abroad Insurance is a blanket student accident and sickness insurance plan for students engaged in international educational activities. This plan ensures that you meet all California State University insurance requirements.

During the application process students are provided instructions.

Prior to departure all students will receive an insurance card, 24-hour call and email assistance contact information and insurance coverage summary sheet. 

Find your program type below to learn about the insurance required for your program:


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Students are provided instructions how to enroll in the SDSU required Travel Abroad insurance.

SDSU Exchange Programs

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All students are provided instructions in the CSU International Programs application process.

CSU International Programs (CSUIP)

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Purchase the required ISEP insurance

ISEP Exchange and Direct Programs